Dragon City Strengths and Weaknesses

Dragon City Strengths and Weaknesses

Update : May 08, 2014 - added new dragons
Dragon Dragon Type Strong Against Weak Against Resist To Immune To
Abyss DragonLight, Dark, Ice, FlameElectric, Dark, Metal, Light, Nature, War, Sea, IceElectric, DarkIce, Light
Alien DragonSea, MetalFlame, Electric, Terra, IceFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Alpine DragonTerra, IceNature, Dark, WarNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Amethyst DragonNature, MetalDark, Light, Terra, IceDark, LightNature, LightSea
Angry DragonTerra, Flame, NatureNature, Dark, Sea, Ice, Dark, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Animation DragonSea, ElectricFlame, Electric, MetalFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Apocalypse DragonFlame, Ice, Light, DarkSea, Ice, Nature, War, Electric, Dark, Metal, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Archangel DragonLightElectric, DarkElectric, DarkIce, Light
Armadillo DragonTerra, MetalNature, Dark, Terra, IceNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Atlas DragonSea, Terra, NatureFlame, Electric, Nature, Dark, Dark, LightFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Aurora DragonElectric, FlameFlame, Metal, Sea, IceFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Aztec DragonTerra, FlameNature, Dark, Sea, IceNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Aztec Emperor DragonNature, Electric, LightDark, Light, Flame, Metal, Electric, DarkDark, LightNature, LightSea
Aztec Priest DragonNature, DarkDark, Light, MetalDark, LightNature, LightSea
Aztec Warrior DragonNature, FlameDark, Light, Sea, IceDark, LightNature, LightSea
Basilisk DragonFlame, PureSea, Ice, Sea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Bat DragonDark, TerraMetal, Light, Nature, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Battery DragonElectric, MetalFlame, Metal, Terra, IceFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Bavarian DragonTerra, IceNature, Dark, WarNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Big Hat DragonElectric, IceFlame, Metal, Nature, WarFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Black Knight DragonDark, FlameMetal, Light, Sea, IceMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Blind DragonTerra, DarkNature, Dark, Metal, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Blizzard DragonSea, FlameFlame, Electric, Sea, IceFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Block DragonElectric, DarkFlame, Metal, Metal, LightFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Blue DragonSea, Flame, MetalFlame, Electric, Sea, Ice, TerraFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Blue Fire DragonFlame, Ice, PureSea, Ice, Nature, War, Sea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Bone DragonDark, TerraMetal, Light, Nature, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Bookday DragonNature, Flame, PureDark, Light, Sea, Ice, Dark, LightNature, LightSea
Brontosaurus DragonNature, TerraDark, Light, Nature, DarkDark, LightNature, LightSea
Burning DragonFlame, DarkSea, Ice, Metal, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Butterfly DragonNature, FlameDark, Light, Sea, IceDark, LightNature, LightSea
Cactus DragonTerra, NatureNature, Dark, Dark, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Carnival DragonMetal, FlameTerra, Ice, SeaTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
Carnivore Plant DragonNature, DarkDark, Light, MetalDark, LightNature, LightSea
Cat DragonFlame, DarkSea, Ice, Metal, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Centipede DragonNature, TerraDark, Light, Nature, DarkDark, LightNature, LightSea
Cerberus DragonDark, Flame, TerraMetal, Light, Sea, Ice, Nature, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Chainmail DragonMetal, FlameTerra, Ice, SeaTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
Chameleon DragonTerra, ElectricNature, Dark, Flame, MetalNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Chimera DragonFlame, LightSea, Ice, Electric, DarkSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Chinese DragonFlame, TerraSea, Ice, Nature, DarkSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Chobby DragonIce, MetalNature, War, Terra, IceNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Cloud DragonFlame, SeaSea, Ice, Flame, ElectricSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Clover DragonNature, IceDark, Light, Nature, WarDark, LightNature, LightSea
Cold Star DragonLight, IceElectric, Dark, Nature, WarElectric, DarkIce, Light
Colossal DragonWar, TerraTerra, Sea, Nature, DarkTerra, SeaWarNature
Columbus DragonTerra, SeaNature, Dark, Flame, ElectricNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Cookie DragonNature, TerraDark, Light, Nature, DarkDark, LightNature, LightSea
Cool Fire DragonFlame, IceSea, Ice, Nature, WarSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Coral DragonNature, SeaDark, Light, Flame, ElectricDark, LightNature, LightSea
Core DragonLight, PureElectric, Dark, Electric, DarkIce, Light
Cosmo DragonTerra, ElectricNature, Dark, Flame, MetalNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Crossfire DragonFlame, Terra, ElectricSea, Ice, Nature, Dark, Flame, MetalSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Crystal DragonLegendLegendLegend
Dandelion DragonNature, IceDark, Light, Nature, WarDark, LightNature, LightSea
Dark DragonDarkMetal, LightMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Dark Elf DragonDark, Ice, WarMetal, Light, Nature, War, Terra, SeaMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Dark Fire DragonDark, FlameMetal, Light, Sea, IceMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Dark Stone DragonWar, DarkTerra, Sea, Metal, LightTerra, SeaWarNature
Deep Forest DragonNature, TerraDark, Light, Nature, DarkDark, LightNature, LightSea
Deep Red DragonFlame, Metal, DarkSea, Ice, Terra, Metal, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Demon DragonDark, Flame, MetalMetal, Light, Sea, Ice, TerraMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Deus Pet DragonTerra, FlameNature, Dark, Sea, IceNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Diamond DragonIce, Terra, NatureNature, War, Dark, Dark, LightNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Dolphin DragonSea, LightFlame, Electric, Electric, DarkFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Double Electric DragonElectric, ElectricFlame, MetalFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Double Flame DragonFlame, FlameSea, IceSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Double Ice DragonIce, IceNature, WarNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Double Metal DragonMetal, MetalTerra, IceTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
Double Nature DragonNatureDark, LightDark, LightNature, LightSea
Double Sea DragonSea, SeaFlame, ElectricFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Double Terra DragonTerra, TerraNature, DarkNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Dragonfly DragonNature, MetalDark, Light, Terra, IceDark, LightNature, LightSea
Earth Day DragonTerra, Nature, LightNature, Dark, Dark, Light, ElectricNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Easter DragonTerra, Light, NatureNature, Dark, Electric, Dark, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Eclipse DragonSea, Dark, LightFlame, Electric, Metal, Light, Electric, DarkFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Electric DragonElectricFlame, MetalFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Elements DragonTerra, Flame, SeaNature, Dark, Sea, Ice, Flame, ElectricNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Elfic DragonWar, LightTerra, Sea, Electric, DarkTerra, SeaWarNature
Emerald DragonNature, MetalDark, Light, Terra, IceDark, LightNature, LightSea
Evil Pumpkin DragonDark, NatureMetal, Light, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Fallen Angel DragonLight, DarkElectric, Dark, Metal, LightElectric, DarkIce, Light
Firebird DragonFlame, NatureSea, Ice, Dark, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Flame DragonFlameSea, IceSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Flaming Rock DragonTerra, FlameNature, Dark, Sea, IceNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Fluorescent DragonElectric, IceFlame, Metal, Nature, WarFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Forge DragonMetal, Terra, Ice, FlameTerra, Ice, Nature, Dark, War, SeaTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
Fossil DragonDark, IceMetal, Light, Nature, WarMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Frankie DragonTerra, ElectricNature, Dark, Flame, MetalNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Frozen Wind DragonIce, SeaNature, War, Flame, ElectricNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Gaia DragonLight, NatureElectric, Dark, Dark, LightElectric, DarkIce, Light
Gargoyle DragonTerra, Ice, DarkNature, Dark, War, Metal, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Ghost DragonDark, TerraMetal, Light, Nature, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Giant Wings DragonFlame, Terra, IceSea, Ice, Nature, Dark, WarSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Glacial DragonIce, Electric, NatureNature, War, Flame, Metal, Dark, LightNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Gold DragonMetal, ElectricTerra, Ice, Flame, MetalTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
Granite DragonTerra, FlameNature, Dark, Sea, IceNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Great White DragonTerra, IceNature, Dark, WarNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Greenfluid DragonNature, Sea, ElectricDark, Light, Flame, Electric, MetalDark, LightNature, LightSea
Gummy DragonNature, ElectricDark, Light, Flame, MetalDark, LightNature, LightSea
Hades DragonSea, DarkFlame, Electric, Metal, LightFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Halloween DragonDark, NatureMetal, Light, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Hammer DragonSea, MetalFlame, Electric, Terra, IceFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Heart DragonFlame, LightSea, Ice, Electric, DarkSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Hearts Queen DragonFlame, MetalSea, Ice, TerraSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Hedgehog DragonTerra, DarkNature, Dark, Metal, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Hot Metal DragonElectric, FlameFlame, Metal, Sea, IceFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Howl DragonDark, Nature, ElectricMetal, Light, Dark, Flame, MetalMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Hydra DragonElectric, SeaFlame, Metal, ElectricFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Hypno DragonDark, NatureMetal, Light, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Ice Cream DragonSea, IceFlame, Electric, Nature, WarFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Ice DragonIceNature, WarNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Ice&Fire DragonFlame, IceSea, Ice, Nature, WarSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Icecube DragonSea, IceFlame, Electric, Nature, WarFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Ivory DragonPure, Terra, Nature, DarkPure
Jade DragonNature, MetalDark, Light, Terra, IceDark, LightNature, LightSea
Jelly DragonSea, TerraFlame, Electric, Nature, DarkFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Jellyfish DragonSea, NatureFlame, Electric, Dark, LightFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Joker DragonFlame, DarkSea, Ice, Metal, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Juggernaut DragonWar, FlameTerra, Sea, Sea, IceTerra, SeaWarNature
Juggler DragonNature, SeaDark, Light, Flame, ElectricDark, LightNature, LightSea
Justice DragonLight, TerraElectric, Dark, NatureElectric, DarkIce, Light
King DragonMetal, FlameTerra, Ice, SeaTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
King Solomon DragonLight, DarkElectric, Dark, Metal, LightElectric, DarkIce, Light
Kratus DragonWar, PureTerra, Sea, Terra, SeaWarNature
Kryptonite DragonNature, Ice, DarkDark, Light, Nature, War, MetalDark, LightNature, LightSea
Lantern Fish DragonSea, ElectricFlame, Electric, MetalFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Laser DragonFlame, ElectricSea, Ice, Flame, MetalSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Lava DragonFlame, Terra, DarkSea, Ice, Nature, Dark, Metal, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Legendary DragonLegendLegendLegend
Leviathan DragonWar, SeaTerra, Sea, Flame, ElectricTerra, SeaWarNature
Lightbeam DragonElectric, LightFlame, Metal, Electric, DarkFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Lightning DragonElectric, SeaFlame, Metal, ElectricFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Loki DragonWar, Flame, DarkTerra, Sea, Sea, Ice, Metal, LightTerra, SeaWarNature
Love DragonFlame, Electric, NatureSea, Ice, Flame, Metal, Dark, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Luminsicent DragonLight, SeaElectric, Dark, Flame, ElectricElectric, DarkIce, Light
Magnet DragonTerra, Metal, ElectricNature, Dark, Terra, Ice, Flame, MetalNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Mars DragonSea, NatureFlame, Electric, Dark, LightFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Martial Arts DragonFlame, ElectricSea, Ice, Flame, MetalSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Master DragonFlame, Sea, WarSea, Ice, Flame, Electric, Terra, SeaSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Medieval DragonFlame, MetalSea, Ice, TerraSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Mercury DragonSea, MetalFlame, Electric, Terra, IceFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Metal DragonMetalTerra, IceTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
Meteor DragonFlame, Terra, DarkSea, Ice, Nature, Dark, Metal, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Midas DragonTerra, Metal, DarkNature, Dark, Terra, Ice, Metal, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Middle Earth DragonTerra, LightNature, Dark, ElectricNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Millenium DragonSea, War, Terra, MetalFlame, Electric, Terra, Sea, Nature, Dark, IceFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Mirage DragonFlame, Ice, Nature, ElectricSea, Ice, Nature, War, Dark, Light, Flame, MetalSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Mirror DragonLegendLegendLegend
Mojito DragonNature, IceDark, Light, Nature, WarDark, LightNature, LightSea
Monstruous DragonSea, TerraFlame, Electric, Nature, DarkFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Moon DragonTerra, IceNature, Dark, WarNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Moose DragonElectric, IceFlame, Metal, Nature, WarFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Mother's Day DragonSea, Ice, LightFlame, Electric, Nature, War, Electric, DarkFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Mud DragonTerra, SeaNature, Dark, Flame, ElectricNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Mummy DragonElectric, DarkFlame, Metal, Metal, LightFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Music DragonFlame, ElectricSea, Ice, Flame, MetalSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Nature DragonNatureDark, LightDark, LightNature, LightSea
Nenufar DragonSea, NatureFlame, Electric, Dark, LightFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Neon DragonElectric, DarkFlame, Metal, Metal, LightFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Nightwind DragonWar, IceTerra, Sea, Nature, WarTerra, SeaWarNature
Ninja DragonMetal, NatureTerra, Ice, Dark, LightTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
Obsidian DragonDark, TerraMetal, Light, Nature, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Octopus DragonDark, SeaMetal, Light, Flame, ElectricMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Odin DragonWar, Flame, LightTerra, Sea, Sea, Ice, Electric, DarkTerra, SeaWarNature
Oni DragonFlame, DarkSea, Ice, Metal, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Origami DragonNature, TerraDark, Light, Nature, DarkDark, LightNature, LightSea
Paladin DragonElectric, TerraFlame, Metal, Nature, DarkFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Panzer DragonWar, MetalTerra, Sea, IceTerra, SeaWarNature
Paradise DragonNature, FlameDark, Light, Sea, IceDark, LightNature, LightSea
Peace DragonNature, LightDark, Light, Electric, DarkDark, LightNature, LightSea
Pearl DragonIce, MetalNature, War, Terra, IceNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Penguin DragonIce, DarkNature, War, Metal, LightNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Petroleum DragonSea, DarkFlame, Electric, Metal, LightFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Pharaoh DragonElectric, TerraFlame, Metal, Nature, DarkFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Photon DragonLight, ElectricElectric, Dark, Flame, MetalElectric, DarkIce, Light
Pirate DragonDark, SeaMetal, Light, Flame, ElectricMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Plankton DragonSea, TerraFlame, Electric, Nature, DarkFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Platinum DragonMetal, IceTerra, Ice, Nature, WarTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
Poker DragonTerra, Ice, DarkNature, Dark, War, Metal, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Poo DragonTerra, Sea, DarkNature, Dark, Flame, Electric, Metal, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Poseidon DragonSeaFlame, ElectricFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Predator DragonDark, Flame, TerraMetal, Light, Sea, Ice, Nature, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Prisma DragonIce, ElectricNature, War, Flame, MetalNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Promethium DragonLight, Dark, Nature, ElectricElectric, Dark, Metal, Light, Dark, Flame, MetalElectric, DarkIce, Light
Pure Dark DragonPure, Dark, Metal, LightPure
Pure DragonPurePure
Pure Electric DragonPure, Electric, Flame, MetalPure
Pure Flame DragonPure, Flame, Sea, IcePure
Pure Ice DragonPure, Ice, Nature, WarPure
Pure Metal DragonPure, Metal, Terra, IcePure
Pure Nature DragonPure, Nature, Dark, LightPure
Pure Sea DragonPure, Sea, Flame, ElectricPure
Pure Terra DragonPure, Terra, Nature, DarkPure
Quake DragonTerra, Sea, WarNature, Dark, Flame, Electric, Terra, SeaNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Quartz DragonTerra, Ice, NatureNature, Dark, War, Dark, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Queen DragonMetal, NatureTerra, Ice, Dark, LightTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
Quetzal DragonNature, FlameDark, Light, Sea, IceDark, LightNature, LightSea
Rainbow DragonLight, MetalElectric, Dark, Terra, IceElectric, DarkIce, Light
Rattlesnake DragonDark, NatureMetal, Light, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Red Woods DragonWar, NatureTerra, Sea, Dark, LightTerra, SeaWarNature
Robot DragonFlame, MetalSea, Ice, TerraSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Rockfeller DragonDark, MetalMetal, Light, Terra, IceMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Ruby DragonFlame, MetalSea, Ice, TerraSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Santa DragonIce, TerraNature, War, DarkNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Scrooge DragonIce, DarkNature, War, Metal, LightNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Sea DragonSeaFlame, ElectricFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Seahorse DragonSea, NatureFlame, Electric, Dark, LightFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Seashell DragonSea, MetalFlame, Electric, Terra, IceFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Shogun DragonMetal, Flame, WarTerra, Ice, Sea, SeaTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
Sky DragonTerra, ElectricNature, Dark, Flame, MetalNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Snow Man DragonIce, NatureNature, War, Dark, LightNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Snowflake DragonTerra, IceNature, Dark, WarNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Soccer DragonIce, FlameNature, War, Sea, IceNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Space DragonSea, War, DarkFlame, Electric, Terra, Sea, Metal, LightFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Special Cool Fire DragonFlame, IceSea, Ice, Nature, WarSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Specter DragonSea, Electric, DarkFlame, Electric, Metal, Metal, LightFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Sphynx DragonElectric, FlameFlame, Metal, Sea, IceFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Spicy DragonFlame, NatureSea, Ice, Dark, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
St Patrick DragonNature, ElectricDark, Light, Flame, MetalDark, LightNature, LightSea
Star DragonTerra, ElectricNature, Dark, Flame, MetalNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Steam DragonSea, Flame, IceFlame, Electric, Sea, Ice, Nature, WarFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Steampunk DragonFlame, MetalSea, Ice, TerraSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Storm DragonSea, ElectricFlame, Electric, MetalFlame, ElectricSea, NatureTerra
Sun DragonLight, FlameElectric, Dark, Sea, IceElectric, DarkIce, Light
Supersonic DragonNature, Electric, Terra, MetalDark, Light, Flame, Metal, Nature, Dark, Terra, IceDark, LightNature, LightSea
Sylvan DragonNature, WarDark, Light, Terra, SeaDark, LightNature, LightSea
Terra DragonTerraNature, DarkNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Tesla DragonWar, ElectricTerra, Sea, Flame, MetalTerra, SeaWarNature
Thanksgiving DragonFlame, SeaSea, Ice, Flame, ElectricSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Thief DragonTerra, DarkNature, Dark, Metal, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Thor DragonWar, FlameTerra, Sea, Sea, IceTerra, SeaWarNature
Tiny DragonNature, LightDark, Light, Electric, DarkDark, LightNature, LightSea
Toxic DragonElectric, DarkFlame, Metal, Metal, LightFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Treasure DragonMetal, TerraTerra, Ice, Nature, DarkTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame
T-Rex DragonFlame, ElectricSea, Ice, Flame, MetalSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Tribal DragonNature, TerraDark, Light, Nature, DarkDark, LightNature, LightSea
Tropical DragonTerra, NatureNature, Dark, Dark, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Two Headed DragonNature, DarkDark, Light, MetalDark, LightNature, LightSea
Uncle Sam DragonElectric, MetalFlame, Metal, Terra, IceFlame, MetalElectric, WarMetal
Vampire DragonFlame, DarkSea, Ice, Metal, LightSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
Venom DragonTerra, DarkNature, Dark, Metal, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Viking DragonIce, SeaNature, War, Flame, ElectricNature, WarIce, DarkWar
Volcano DragonFlame, TerraSea, Ice, Nature, DarkSea, IceFlame, MetalLight
War DragonWarTerra, SeaTerra, SeaWarNature
Waterfall DragonTerra, SeaNature, Dark, Flame, ElectricNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
White Knight DragonLight, TerraElectric, Dark, NatureElectric, DarkIce, Light
Wind DragonLegendLegendLegend
Wizard DragonTerra, DarkNature, Dark, Metal, LightNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Wrestler DragonTerra, Flame, WarNature, Dark, Sea, Ice, Terra, SeaNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Wurm DragonNature, TerraDark, Light, Nature, DarkDark, LightNature, LightSea
Wyvern DragonDark, Flame, TerraMetal, Light, Sea, Ice, Nature, DarkMetal, LightElectric, DarkIce
Xmas Elf DragonNature, IceDark, Light, Nature, WarDark, LightNature, LightSea
Zen DragonLight, PureElectric, Dark, Electric, DarkIce, Light
Zodiac Taurus DragonTerra, Dark, ElectricNature, Dark, Metal, Light, Flame, MetalNature, DarkTerra, FlameElectric
Zombie DragonMetal, DarkTerra, Ice, Metal, LightTerra, IceTerra, MetalFlame


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  3. The Dragon City Cheat tool (any tool for that matter, be it gold gems, etc.) is really a useless, senseless tool and definitely a waste of anyone's time who will foolishly try and be seduced by its lies and deceit. Please be warned that SUCH TOOL DOES NOT EXISTS! and please...give the game developers some credit. They are not that stupid to let some survey-popping tool to mess with their system.

  4. ty for the info very helpful to have in 1 place. can refer to when in a fight

    1. some are not quite accurate like soccer says immune to fire but if you use Blizzards fire attack it gives a critical against soccer. Still this is a helpful post you made

  5. what was the weekness of blue dragon

  6. Dude, what about the Terra Dragon???

  7. Replies
    1. Metal. METAL hurts a LOT. I mainly battle with my elements dragon, and know this.

  8. Facepalm, Soccer dragon's strong against Dark, too! I lost a soccer dragon battle because your guide told me darkness would have normal effectiveness on it! -1!

    1. Also, you don't even have Octopus dragon in here, do you put any effort into this guide whatsoever? You're missing over 1/2 the dragons in the game dude! -1!

    2. Sorry! I updated the list with new dragons.

  9. you forgot to put exclusive dragon weakness such as Elements, Deus, Aztec and so on.

    1. thanks for the reminder! I updated the list adding new dragons

  10. aztec is weak against ice and metal

    1. thanks. I updated the list adding new dragons

  11. Apocalyptica is weak agaist Electric

    1. thanks. I update the list adding new dragons

  12. Alien dragon isn't vulnerable to electric. i just did it and thats bullcrap

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  14. To all DC players,

    Don't use this guide, it's complete and utter bullshit. Total nonsense. I don't believe the poster plays DC. He got almost everything wrong.

  15. http://forums.socialpointgames.com/showthread.php?43900-Complete-Combat-World-Guide-Dragon-Weaknesses-Strengths is more accurate for all the dragons in there.. for the others too, your list is not accurate.. i am guessing you are generating it through some programme .. please do disclose the method used to come to the weaknesses.. they don't work.. also zodiac gemini and others are missing..

    is there any other more accurate list that others have come across..

  16. I regret to inform you that The Armadillo is wrong! Its weaknesses are War/Metal not-- Nature, Dark as you have stated. Please rectify this?. thank you

  17. Forge dragon --Terra is weak against it but dark will critical it. I think you need more research this is the 2nd one I've seen wrong on this page and I've only used it 3 times :(

  18. Where did you get your info from? a cracker jack box? Even the first dragon mentioned is wrong ABYSS is NOT strong by Electric at all. I will NOT use your garbage again!

  19. thanks it me alot and i was wondering what are the blue dragon and the stone dragon weaknesses? :)

  20. well he is just better at it and he has volunteered, thus freeing me to play a fighter character and kick some goblin butt. learn more

  21. mirage dragon are not weak on sea nor ice

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  24. What's the reindeer dragon weakness???

  25. There is no shaolin dragon in the list ??

  26. Nice guide, However it isn't very accurate, I would add a bit more dragons? Just a suggestion.... besides that, Really good guide :D

  27. I would put the accurate sky dragon weakness.... I've tried that many many times, doesn't work.

  28. What is a weakness of snail dragon

  29. what is a weakness 0f the golem dragon i know it is pure and terra

  30. Fur dragon?????It is not there.....BTW ....The weakness of Fur Dragon is fire.....well...one of the weaknesses , i guess.

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